
Category: 725.1 Architecture - Office/Skyscrapper/Industrial Buildings [ All ]

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  Title Copies
Spectacular Industrial Architecture & Headquarters 
Year: 2007 
HIGH-Rise office building 
Year: 2012 
Tower of Strength: One Marina Boulevard 
Industrialised Building 1:50 
Year: 1965 
So This is Where You Work! A Guide to Unconventional Working Environments 
Year: 1979 
Industrial building Planning and Design 
Edition: Sew 
Year: 2014 
ISBN: 9881566452 
ISBN 13: 9789881566454 
Design & Planning: Factories 
Year: 1972 
SPACE: Office 
Year: 2008 
Skyscrappers: Form & Function 
Year: 1995 
High Density: Environments for the Future